Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Moss Family Adventure

The Moss Family Adventure

I hope you haven't missed my usually more often blah blah blah.....
Like I said before I have been pretty busy, most days though I was able to sneak out around 3 in the afternoon and go to the afternoon session of the conference. I was also able to go to the morning worship times as well; Peter Warren from YWAM Denver led worship with the team and it was great! He spoke at the DTS I went to 10 years ago, I remember something he said there it was so true and clear as a bell....

Sometimes there is a sin that keeps getting to people over and over again. It can be one of three things; maybe its a physical addiction, maybe its a case of Demonic oppression, but in my experience its usually the third thing..... pauses for effect.... its Idolatry, you love that sin more than you love the Lord.

I was really floored by that one, let me tell you. In my life story that is so true. But getting back to the conference it has been good to hear the stories of YWAM told by the founders and early members. We heard about a great tool called the 4K project, it is a website where you can make a coustom map to show various demographics and areas of here to check it out. We met over the course of the week a lot of neat people and saw others I haven't seen for a good long while. Misty met a couple of the board members from Homes of Hope, now they know who we are. I had the people from one of YWAM's other ministries try to recruit me......twice. Dont worry we are staying in Ensenada, I really feel so called to this area and also this base. I think God is calling me to something very special in the future here, and I have been praying and need to meet with the leaders about an idea I have had for several years but I had forgotton about it. I will share details when they happen, I am just teasing everyone right now.

so, for now adios

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Moss Family Adventure

The Moss Family Adventure

Wednesday is here already, I am actually not working today; the menu is easy and this is an opportunity to relax a bit today and go to a couple of the conference sessions and this afternoon to maybe go down to the beach and look at the water.

The first few days have been a lot of work, we got our numbers up to 275 people or so and it was hard to stay with the demand the first day. Monday's lunch was the worst I didn't start early enough on the cooking of the chicken and we didn't have quite enough, I had to stay calm and do the best I could while the chicken we had was cooking and as we waited for Melissa to return with about 12 whole roasted chickens from the Costco. Roasted chicken is a popular item around here, its called Rostizados and they are 2 for 98 pesos at a couple of places around here, they even deliver! So after a while Melissa arrived from the emergency trip to Costco and we had a couple of pans of Chicken out to finish the lunch with. It ended up being left over but they ended being used that night when we ran out of the braised beef that we served for dinner. Tuesday we had enough amounts to go around, we are adjusting to the crazy crowds we have. We are serving food from 3 lines and when the the meal is being served we are able to get everyone through in 15 minutes. The most amazing part is that we are getting a lot of this done with people that are here just for the conference and working in 90 minute mini shifts doing dishes, prepping salads, serving the meals etc.

I have been able to go to the morning worship at the conference sessions, I have also been to the teaching times the past 2 afternoons, we have been talking about the foundational values of YWAM I am tying to keep these things in mind as I work with the people in the kitchen and interact with people on the base and in the community. I have a copy of the YWAM Foundational values, I posted them a couple of months ago but since that is the subject of this post and week here I will stick them up again.

The Foundational Values of Youth With A Mission

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) affirms the Bible as the authoritative word of God and, with the Holy Spirit's inspiration, the absolute reference point for every aspect of life and ministry. Based upon God's word, who He is, and His initiative of salvation, the following responses are strongly emphasized in YWAM:
Worship: We are called to praise and worship God alone
Holiness: We are called to lead holy and righteous lives that exemplify the nature and character of God
Witness: We are called to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with those who do not know Him
Prayer: We are called to engage in intercessory prayer for the people and causes on God's heart, including standing against evil in every form
Fellowship: We are called to commit to the Church in both its local nurturing expression and its mobile multiplying expression

The Foundational Values of Youth With A Mission are the expression of our basic beliefs coupled with specific directives given by God since YWAM's beginning in 1960. They are recorded here in order to pass on to successive generations that which God has emphasized to us. These shared beliefs and values are the guiding principles for both the past and future growth of our mission. Some are common to all Christians everywhere; others are distinctive to Youth With A Mission. The combination of these beliefs and values make up the unique family characteristics of YWAM--our "DNA." They are values we hold in high regard which determine who we are, how we live and how we make decisions.

YWAM is committed to know God, His nature, His character and His ways. We seek to reflect who He is in every aspect of our lives and ministry. The automatic overflow of knowing and enjoying fellowship with God is a desire to share Him with others.

YWAM is called to make God known throughout the whole world, and into every arena of society through evangelism, training and mercy ministries. We believe that salvation of souls should result in transformation of societies, thus obeying Jesus' command to make disciples of all nations.

YWAM is committed to creating with God through listening to Him, praying His prayers and obeying His commands in matters great and small. We are dependent upon hearing His voice as individuals, together in team contexts and in larger corporate gatherings. This is an integral part of our process for decision making.

YWAM is dedicated to worship Jesus and engage in intercessory prayer as integral aspects of daily life. We also recognize the intent of Satan to destroy the work of God and we call upon God's power and the Holy Spirit to overcome his strategies in the lives of individuals and in the affairs of nations.

YWAM is called to be visionary, continually receiving, nurturing and releasing fresh vision from God. We support the pioneering of new ministries and methods, always willing to be radical in order to be relevant to every generation, people group, and sphere of society. We believe that the apostolic call of YWAM requires the integration of spiritual eldership, freedom in the Spirit and relationship, centered on the Word of God.

YWAM is called to champion youth. We believe God has gifted and called young people to spearhead vision and ministry. We are committed to value them, trust them, train them, support them, make space for them and release them. They are not only the Church of the future; they are the Church of today. We commit to follow where they lead, in the will of God.

YWAM is broad-structured and diverse, yet integrated. We are a global family of ministries held together by shared purpose, vision, values and relationship. We believe that structures should serve the people and the purposes of God. Every ministry at every level has the privilege and responsibility of accountability to a circle of elders, with overall international accountability to the YWAM Global Leadership Team.

YWAM is international and interdenominational in its global scope as well as its local constituency. We believe that ethnic, linguistic and denominational diversity, along with redeemed aspects of culture, are positive factors that contribute to the health and growth of the mission.

YWAM is called to a Biblical worldview. We believe that the Bible makes a clear division between good and evil; right and wrong. The practical dimensions of life are no less spiritual than the ministry expressions. Everything done in obedience to God is spiritual. We seek to honor God with all that we do, equipping and mobilizing men and women of God to take roles of service and influence in every arena of society.

YWAM is called to function in teams in all aspects of ministry and leadership. We believe that a combination of complementary gifts, callings, perspectives, ministries and generations working together in unity at all levels of our mission provides wisdom and safety . Seeking God's will and making decisions in a team context allows accountability and contributes to greater relationship, motivation, responsibility and ownership of the vision.

YWAM is called to servant leadership as a lifestyle, rather than a leadership hierarchy. A servant leader is one who honors the gifts and callings of those under his/her care and guards their rights and privileges. Just as Jesus served His disciples, we stress the importance of those with leadership responsibilities serving those whom they lead.

YWAM is committed to doing first, then teaching. We believe that firsthand experience gives authority to our words. Godly character and a call from God are more important than an individual's gifts, abilities and expertise.

YWAM is dedicated to being relationship-oriented in our living and working together. We desire to be united through lives of holiness, mutual support, transparency, humility, and open communication, rather than a dependence on structures or rules.

YWAM is called to value each individual. We believe in equal opportunity and justice for all. Created in the image of God, people of all nationalities, ages and functions have distinctive contributions and callings. We are committed to honoring God-given leadership and ministry gifts in both men and women.

YWAM affirms the importance of families serving God together in missions, not just the father and/or mother. We encourage the development of strong and healthy family units, with each member sharing the call to missions and contributing their gifts in unique and complementary ways.

YWAM is called to a relationship-based support system, depending upon God and His people for financial provision, both corporately and individually. We believe that relationship-based support promotes responsibility, accountability, communication, and mutual prayer. It involves the donor as a partner in ministry. As God and others have been generous toward us, so we desire to be generous. YWAMers give themselves, their time and talents to God through the mission with no expectation of remuneration.

YWAM affirms the ministry of hospitality as an expression of God's character and the value of people. We believe it is important to open our hearts, homes and campuses to serve and honor one another, our guests and the poor and needy, not as acts of social protocol, but as expressions of generosity.

Several of these values really apply to me in the kitchen, championing young people and working in teams.

I will post again in a couple of days and hopefully it will be a good report about how everything went even better!!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Joey's Harley Ride

This footage was taken with my new camera, from the staff at SCF. You guys rock! Here's to many more videos! Thanks Randy, for taking Joe for a ride with out a helmet!! It's a great memory for Joe and for all of us! This was taken back in Reno in Sept. just right before we left, in the parking lot of our old apartments.

The Moss Family Adventure

The Moss Family Adventure
Early Saturday Morning

I woke up at 1 in the morning after going to sleep around 9:30, I had gotten up to use the toilet and had to fiddle around with the flushing mechanism, and then I looked in the living room and saw Joey on the couch. So I ended up laying him inside our bed and by then I was good and awake. Then I tried to lay back down but I couldn't fall back asleep, plus I hear every half hour the security guard for our apartments and his radio squawking and beeping and I also hear him.." CINCO NUEVE" I guess 5 9 is his number. He also cleans up at night so I will hear him sweeping the sidewalks and parking lot, the first night we were here I heard this at 2 am and I saw his shadow through our window and I was disoriented and I was very scared. So now I am up and posting on the blog, I think I will get some rest later on I don't have to work today.

The YWAM base has been a hive of activity as we get ready for the YWAM DNA conference, Loren Cunningham the founder of YWAM is coming to speak and the occasion has been used to launch a conference for all the Latin American YWAM base leaders to come and hear about the foundational values of Youth With A Mission. Hopefully I will be able to sit in on sessions, I am going to be busy cooking though. I have a lot of helpers in the kitchen which is good. I have really been learning this week about how to find jobs for people to do and pointing them in the right direction, and also rapidly training people who aren't really experts at cooking in the secrets of producing large quantities of food. As long as the helpers have a good attitude things go super good. Last nights dinner went smooth as silk, we served beef and chicken Kabobs with Teryaki sauce, baked potatoes, and sauteed vegetables. It really was a team effort though and the DTS students did all the hard grunt work that takes a lot of time, also Misty was in there with me for an hour and a half after lunch cutting onions and Peppers for the Kabobs. We had everything ready for the students when they started at 3:30. Breakfast was also a blast, we have different people from the base working different mornings, and yesterday we had a lot of fun together getting the meal out. The equipment we have is another story; I feel like I'm trying to compete in the Indianapolis 500 with a beat up old Dodge Dart, but hopefully by the grace of God we will get through this week. Meanwhile I hear the voice of Scotty from Star Trek in my head... "I'm giving it all she's got Captain... I can't defy the laws of physics" or to to paraphrase Bones... "I'm a cook not a magician Jim!"

Here's some extra excitement, our back door to the kitchen is directly on the street (dirt road) that goes to the beach, there is a semi violent "homeless" guy that shows up and has been a nuisance and actually spit on one of the girls that works in the kitchen, so if he ends up coming back inside the kitchen I have to grab him and get the police here to take him to jail. The same jail I visited 12 years ago when I went on my first mission trip ever. If that ever happens I will make a post about the experience, I just worry about what may happen and I hope I dont get hurt or in trouble when it all goes down.

More excitement... my cousin Jimmie is supposed to get back from Iraq today, he has been there for the past 8 months. we will be seeing him soon right after my birthday. We got to visit a bunch when he was in Sparks last January when my grandmother died, sad occasion but afterwards it was a great experience getting to kinow him, we ate, had fun, visited other relatives, did a lot of talking. We also laughed a lot... a whole lot, I never have laughed so hard as when he was making fun of Bruce Jenner when we were watching SKATING WITH THE STARS, Bruce was skating to the song from AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN and Jimmie was just going off about Bruce and his Navy uniform.

I will post again later with more interesting stuff, about Joey and Emily

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Moss Family Adventure

The Moss Family Adventure

So as you can see below Joey and Emily sure look cute in their school uniforms. Joey is having fun, I think Emily is too we haven't recieved any calls telling us to come pick her up she is screaming. Misty is going to take the kids to school and then go to San Diego to do laundry and then maybe get the tires we need for the van, we had a blowout the first week we were here and its time to change anyhow, they were worn out tires when we bought this van used and like I said its time. There are places here but a mechanic from the San Diego base said the tires here aren't as good.

Misty also helped out in the kitchen yesterday, I made a great lunch but there was a problem though I didn't get enough Chicken Breasts and we ran out. Same story with the vegetables, so we ended up cooking off some pork chops that were there and I found some frozen vege's to cook off and some leftover bow tie pasta, I wish I could have had the chicken and sauteed vegetables though they looked pretty good. This morning by the grace of Gog I am going to make the crepes filled with ham eggs and cheese. It's kind of hard to find certain items here in Ensenada, for example I was looking for swiss cheese for the crepes, I finally found some really nice imported Emmanthaler from Switzerland buts its kind of pricey.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Joey and Emily's First Day at School

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The Moss Family Adventure

The Moss Family Adventure
It is Wednesday already!!!

Misty and I have been super busy, On Monday we went shopping for groceries, I am practicing the menu for our conference. We are expecting to feed 300 people out of kitchen. Yesterday I cooked Pork loin with some Raspberry / Chipotle bbq sauce on top and for dinner I made some Pasta with meat sauce and also pesto cream sauce. I put some pine nuts in the oven to toast and I forgot them so a little while later I remembered and they looked like black beans. I cooled them off and threw them away, a few fell on the floor and Juana from hospitality saw them and asked if they were rat turds. For the next week and a half I expect to be going full on, I will have some good helpers cooking with me on the week of the actual conference so that will be good.

The kids started pre school, we have them there to get them going in spanish, the teacher said yesterday that Joey understands but just can't speak it yet. So hopefully in a couple of weeks he will be better off. The Ywam base is needing certified teachers then they can have a private school for the kids here, I heard there were a couple of Brazilian girls but they would have to spend some time learning English first. We are also hoping to build some local neighborhood relationships through the school thing.

Prayer requests...
Kids to have fun in school
Bill to stay calm in Kitchen and remember what he has learned as he has been on his cooking journey
Misty to be able to keep building relationships

Monday, October 16, 2006

The Moss Family Adventure

The Moss Family Adventure
Monday morning here and I want to make a quick entry here about the rest of the weekend...

We tried to go to church we drove to San Diego, but the border crossing took too long so we had lunch, went to WalMart and got a few items and then to the storage unit to get a couple of kitchen equipment boxes. Then we met our cousin Michelle, she is married to my cousin Jimmie who is in the Marine Corps we visited had dinner and went to a exotic bird store where one of the kids works. That was neat. We left right as it was getting dark and got home around 8:45 at night. When we got home the kids were pretty wound up and it took forever to get them to fall asleep. A side note about Michelle, she is from Reno too and when she was a little kid her family went to RCF, like back when Jim Kilgore was doing the worship. She told me last week how they they had a going away party for Jim and she was so sad he was leaving she was crying.

As we were driving, as Misty was driving actually we talked about how the week went and Misty told me she really liked talking to the people from the house building teams that were here for a couple days and the best part was when she was home with Emily and would be doing something on the computer or cleaning up the place and Emily would come to her and say: "sit Mama, sit" then they would cuddle together.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

The Moss Family Adventure

Hey, we have been having a great Saturday here. After breakfast I was looking at my menu for the conference and watching Joey as he was using the play equipment. I was off work today so we managed to go to the store to get some stuff for the kids school, had a hot dog at Costco, drove through a nearby neighborhood as we start our search for a rental house next summer, and we went to the beach for a while in the afternoon. Tonight is the night we were sent out to town to have tacos, we found a nearby restaurant that opened this evening, Acupulco style tacos and chicken Pozole. It was good and all for 140 pesos... a bit less than 14 dollars.

Misty had someone asking about the kitchen Mishap, what happened is that I was pulling a pan of Lasagne from the oven and my grip slipped and I lost about a third of the pan to the floor. The worst part was the greasy mess I had to clean up.

I had a nice restful day though and I am looking forward to doing it again next Saturday if I can. I will need to rest up for the week ahead.


Friday, October 13, 2006

The Moss Family Adventure

The Moss Family Adventure

It's been a few days. We have been pretty busy during the daytime with the kids, Bill's kitchen duties, and mom's various excursions. Special things came out of the kitchen last night we were grilling some smoked porkchops and those came out nicely and we also were supposed to have some mashed potatoes along with but a water delivery delay kept us from cooking boiling the potatoes early enough so I ended up tossing the cooked potatoes in some cilantro, margerine and spices. It turned out really well and we will call them Ensenada cilantro potatoes. The potatoes were cooked but not totally soft for mashing. This morning I made some chicken noodle soup for lunch and this afternoon we continued the cleaning project we are getting going in the kitchen. I have to reorganize a cleaning schedule when the change comes and figure out a good way to spread the labor around so we get the work all done without working 12 hour days. Maybe after the conference we are hosting.

The real high point is meeting and getting to know all the people here on the base, first there are the people I work with Melissa, Sammy, and Candace. Then we have the Long term base staff (too many to mention) and Discipleship Training School students; some of the students work in the kitchen. This morning I talked to a guy from England named Ben we had a good talk about music and worship music, and this afternoon I was talking to a guy from Scottsdale, Arizona. It turns out that his dad is a English professor at the Bible school I spent a couple of semesters at in 1980 and 1981. I guess dad will be visiting during thanksgiving and I guess I can give him the money for the toilet I blew up with a bottle rocket when I was a student there. We also meet the people that are coming here every week to build houses.

Next monday the kids will start pre school. We have to do this so Misty can have more time to work with me and help me out with administrative issues that come up and maybe go shopping for items together, and they will also be in during the Discipleship Training School. The side benefit is that the kids will be learning Spanish while in school. Then later when Joey is fluent we will take him out of the pre school and get him into regular school. Then in a year or two we will have our translator. This could be a big help when SCF sends teams to Ensenada. As I type this Joey is having a cheese stick and he handed me the wrapper. I put the wrapper in my pocket and Joey told his mother that: "He's the one putting stuff in the pocket" I guess that was an issue yesterday when Misty and the kids went to do laundry. Misty is a huge part of this keeping me going and doing stuff for me like making the menu I wrote look pretty for distribution. Plus she has been building a lot of relationships with various ladies here on the base.

Please continue to pray for us as we adjust to life on the base and in Ensenada. Especially the folkways we seem to discover daily.
I now have to go and attend to the rest of the duties of my evening.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Moss Family Adventure

The Moss Family Adventure
Tired Bill Here... its a little before 9 in the evening and we have put the kids to bed. I went to Home depot and got some stuff to make some cinder block shelves for our apartment. I then went to my meeting, we spent a couple of hours talking about Budgets. And other fun subjects like saving money, equipment maintence, and the remodeling of the kitchen. I actually have a very challenging job ahead of me: menu's, training, cooking, getting a cleaning schedule going etc. I will be mentioning all these things as I experience them. After the meeting and lunch I put some Lasagne in the oven that was picked up from Costco. A couple hours later I learned something about the ovens that I needed to know for the conference that is coming up. THE OVENS DON'T WORK TOO WELL, I managed to get the meal out in time and no one was arrested so that's good I guess. Tomorrow I am going to go out and see more of Ensenada and find more about our food suppliers. And I am also easing my way into the kitchen to cook. Right now I am about to fall asleep at the keyboard so I will sign out

The Moss Family Adventure

The Moss Family Adventure
I (Bill) have a meeting today and we are still getting stuff put away, I made some fruit sauce yesterday for the ice cream at last nights dinner. I was just about to make it when Misty called and told me she had a tire blow out on the toll road coming back from San Diego, Now!! that is an Adventure!! She got some help from a guy who had a house a little ways off, I was going to try and meet her but the tire was changed before I had a chance to even get out of Ensenada.

Monday, October 09, 2006

The Moss Family Adventure

The Moss Family Adventure
We are in Ensenada and have been here since Friday afternoon. We have moved into our apartment and have done some shopping to get a couple of needed items. Once it is all complete we should post a picture so everyone can see how homey Misty will make it.

The weekend here was pretty quiet, the DTS students were still in Tijauna and one the two building teams left for the day it was just us and a couple other families and the kids. Bill had a meeting with Tamara and Melissa the hospitality director and the current kitchen manager. I spent some time in the early mornings working on the Menu for the Conference that will be happening in a couple of weeks. Today I am looking in the kitchen at what equipment we have and what we need. I found a couple of hampers full of dirty towels so I got them started in the laundry and later today I plan to go out with one of the cooks to see a couple of places where food is procured.

Meanwhile Misty is driving to San Diego today to pick up some stuff from our storage unit, and get a couple of floor rugs hopefully. We wanted to post earlier but the wireless internet key number was with someone who was in Tijuana, now I have it and we will be really rolling at home. I may even post the Saturday morning post I had ready but wasn't able to post during the weekend.

Thanks for the comments, keep them coming.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Moss Family Adventure

The Moss Family Adventure
Thursday evening

Well we waited to hear about our visa's and I guess we might find out tomorrow. We did have breakfast with one of the leaders from the Ensenada Base. Cody Spang seems like a real good guy and has been married for a month. After breakfast we drove down to the zoo and looked around and saw animals with the kids. After a while they were getting too tired to enjoy the zoo, so we went home had naps and went to my cousin's wife and kids and visited and had some frozen yogurt at a fun place where they charge you 29 cents an ounce for your yogurt and toppings. We like seeing our cousins, we also miss my cousin Jimmie who is in Iraq with the USMC, soon we will be seeing him again though. I will end by saying that we are all ready to get on to Mexico, Joey was saying I want to go home, Joey...we all want to go home, soon we will be making our new home.

The Moss Family Adventure

The Moss Family Adventure
Thursday,October 5, 2006

There is a story in the bible about when Jesus sent out the 72 Disciples going out with only the clothes on their backs. I now think there is a lot of wisdom in that. We have packed and unpacked the van more than several times the past few days while we are waiting for our VISAS. Yesterday we tried to go to Knott's Berry Farm and use the passes that a friend gave us. That trip was cancelled because I needed to be at a meeting for the upcoming Conference in Ensenada. I will be there and cooking and coordinating for around 250 people. After that meeting I was told the Visa was good to go and lets leave; Misty was in our Motel room looking at all the stuff laying there plus the suitcases and asking if I was crazy. So after several hours of finishing errands and having lunch and about to go meet Cody from the Ensenada base at the San Diego office, Cody called us and said we were off for today. So back to the Motel we went...... Again.

We did take the kids to a science museum and had some Mexican food from a place called Roberto's These things are all over San Diego. I used to go to one when I was in the Navy.

Today, we have heard from Cody again and he is going to see whats going on with visa's and see if he can speed things along somehow. Meanwhile we will get some breakfast and find something to do with the kids and the 44 year old kid so we don't all go crazy here while we wait.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Moss Family Adventure

The Moss Family Adventure
Tuesday October 3rd....
Today we have been a little busy. We had breakfast and got photos taken for our FM-3 visa that we need. Brett Curtis has taken them to Mexico so they can be processed. I hope that works. We also did some laundry had lunch and washed the car. Tonight we are having dinner with our friends the Hurst's. They have kids the same age as Joe and Em,they are having a blast!

Yesterday we did unload the truck (thanks to David and Nathan!) we had lunch, and enjoyed some great company! We returned the big rental truck to Budget, went swimming with the kids and we had dinner at the Olive Garden up the street from where we are staying.

I woke up early again by the way, I was dreaming about having a conversation with someone I will be working with in Mexico, this was around 3 in the early morning, then I sat and decided to try to pray about what's going on with our lives. Tomorrow we hope to go to Knotts Berry Farm. (Thanks to Mike and Bev David) we will let you know how it goes, and yes Misty did check to make sure the park is open! She learned from her mistake! Post us message please we long to hear what's going on at home!

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Moss Family Adventure

The Moss Family Adventure

Monday October 2, 2006
As usual I woke up early. I woke up at 4:30 after going to sleep around 10 AM. I was dreaming I was inside a really cheesy A&E Network True Crime documentary about Medical Insurance Fraud. It was pretty boring but still weird. The day before I woke up as I was dreaming that Jim Stafford had bought the Bonnie Hubbard brand of Food Products.

We have arrived in San Diego! We got here at about 8 at night and got the kids cleaned up said hi to friends and went to bed. Hopefully we can get that truck unloaded easily. We should also find out what is going to happen the next few days as we get our visa's taken care of. I am so happy we didn't come down and have to move again and then one more time. Yesterday we got going around 9 AM, We stopped at a roadside rest along California 99 and Joey was running and scratched his knee. The day before he had scratched his elbows when we stopped at a preschool near Auburn, California. The knee scrape was pretty painful and I listened to a lot of screaming and crying till we pulled over into some sort of depressed town on 99. It looked like something out of a horror movie. On our way we had lunch in a Denny's in Bakersfield and we also stopped in San Clemente for a few minutes at a beach. Then we got here after dark.

I will just add that I can't wait to get the Truck unloaded and this next couple of days finished because I don't like moving.