Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Weekend Away

 During this past weekend we got to have a trip to San Diego, we ate at restaurants, saw our cousins, saw friends and went to a museum aquarium, and even saw a movie! We drove down on Friday afternoon and on Saturday we went to an aquarium that is part of a nature preserve in Chula Vista, I didn't know it was so big. I always see the parking lot at the E street Exit of Interstate 5 and I thought it was a little trail that you park and walk on and look at the marsh or something. Actually we took a shuttle bus, met up with Joey and Emily's friends Caleb and Chloe and saw all  sorts of fish, petted some Rays, looked up close at Eagles and Hawks and had a good time. The kids especially had a wonderful time seeing their friends. I was about to scream as I heard about 125 times "when are we going to see Caleb and Chloe?" We usually meet up with them in San Diego, I know the parents David and Lara from when I was on Mercy ships. I came home they stayed in Mercy Ships and had their children at almost exactly the same time we had ours; Chloe's birthday is one day before  Emily's, same year and everything.

Later that day in the afternoon we went to a party for my cousin who is getting deployed to Afghanistan, so we saw him, his brother and his mom Michelle. That was the main point of the visit, but we only were there at the party for a hour I think. It was still good to see them, we had to get to our sumptuous motel to take naps and get cleaned up.  On sunday we saw a movie and got home to Ensenada in time for dinner. It was good to get away.
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Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Road Continues......

 So the road progress is still going on, as of now there is a nice concrete road on the north side of the YWAM Base. A couple of times this week I put out some coffee and muffins or danish for the guys working.  The first time I brought out the cart they were looking at me kinda strangely, but as soon as I said "GRATIS" which means "FREE" they were all over it, like ugly on an Ape! I really enjoyed giving some free coffee to some guys who just happened to be there working, usually we have someone tapping on the window.  
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We did get another guy to go to a rehab center, he was just about the only person I saw on the side of the building this past couple of weeks, also in the kitchen we have been VERY busy keeping the kitchen going and providing meals and lunches for the teams that were here building 5 houses this past weekend. Monday through Wednesday we will have teams here building 2 more houses. I gotta tell you though, it has been a tiring week.

Joey and Emily have settled nicely into school, but for now they are taking a break from Gymnastics. I don't know really what we will do with Emily, but Joey says he wants to play Baseball this spring. Misty is also now back to spending time as a mom instead of running the hospitality department and running around like a crazy woman all day running a department, shopping, picking up kids from school, etc etc. Now Misty and Bill work together in the kitchen in the mornings and Misty has time to be a mom in the afternoons as she tries to decode the spanish homework instructions.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Olivia Ray


This is a good friend of YWAM San Diego Baja, John Ray and his youngest of 4 daughters, Olivia. John, his wife and daughters live in Arkansas but are here in Ensenada every summer during Mission Adventures. We love them all. Olivia died in a car accident today and on the base we are all sad, and I am especially sad. Olivia was a bright, energetic little girl who was always coming down to the kitchen during my first summer here asking for potato chips. It was crazy how she always wanted some pringles chips and as a matter of fact every time I see a box of pringles chips I think of Olivia. So now she is gone, and its a terrible feeling. The Moss family wants you to pray for John and Jane, and Hope, Hannah and Naomi. They are surely devastated and shocked. Misty is sad, Joey doesn't quite get it, and Emily said she is now in heaven like her grandpa is. This is one of those days when I cannot wait for the end when death, and pain and tears are all finished with. So according to the bible Olivia is now with Jesus and is seeing Jesus face to face and has been transformed perfectly to his image in a new glorified body in his presence forever. I hope to see her again someday.
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