Saturday, May 30, 2009

School Of Worship

I have been in the School of Worship for the past 2 months; it has been a great experience and it has kept me on my toes spiritually. This week our emphasis has been on the character of a worship leader, we are writing songs also. I have written a few based on stuff I deal with in my life and things that I have walked through during the time I have been following the Lord. So here are a few of my Psalms that I have written during my times in the morning when I can get away and be quiet and undisturbed.
Hope… My Cry and My Prayer.
Why do I walk around like a Zombie?
Why do I get scared and Shy?
Why do I not speak with passion more,
About things that really matter?

Lord you are my God You
Lord are my hope
You are my only hope
So let me breathe!
Let me breathe in your hope
Let me breathe out words of hope.

This is a thing I wrote about my experiences during the first years of the 2000’s I surrendered to fears and really fell flat on my face spiritually and struggled a lot. I am so grateful that I am FREE though.

O how I have fallen flat on my face
I’ve given up too soon I was scared,
I wasn’t trusting you God
And I fell into a spiral I was trapped in my disobedience
And trapped in my lack of trust
And things that troubled me Started to consume me
And then things got worse!
And still I would not quit I would not surrender,
I would not give up.
Because I was going to please my myself
and I would not let anything or anyone stop me
But you called me
And you were wooing me
And when I was ready to call on you
You rescued me and brought me home.
So I come to you and say you are my strength
I give to you this day Lord I give to you this day.

View this video of another song from the Song Presentation Night on May 14, 2009.

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